Thursday, January 30, 2020

Should Children Be Tried as Adults Essay Example for Free

Should Children Be Tried as Adults Essay There is a saying â€Å"If you do the crime, you must do the time†. But does that apply to children. Should children be tried as adults?. While some people praise this as a means of stopping young offenders before they start on a â€Å"career† of crime, others find it very inappropriate and unjust. This paper will examine questions, pros and cons of whether children should be tried as adults. Discussion I will view both sides to whether children should be tried as adults. The rate of murders by juveniles and children has skyrocketed across the country. There are many people who feel that children should be tried as adults due to the popular saying â€Å"If you do the crime, you must do the time†. According to many sources it is believed that it will make them understand the consequences of their actions and deter them from committing any further crimes. However, there is also the view that many individuals feel that Children should not be tried as adults. They should be nurtured and protected rather than completely responsible and punished for their crime. Children/juveniles it said that they do not possess the emotional maturity to control their impulse, or to fully understand the consequences to their actions. Therefore stating that their brains are not to be developed and can in neither way nor fashion adds up to an adults, making an exception. The truth of the matter is who is right and who is wrong? Both have valid points as to why not have the child tried and why not just seek other means besides having a child tried. This is a debate that will continue with time. In conclusion my view is that kids should not be tried as adults at age 7 but should be giving help. I feel that more facilities that are not an adult based would be more sufficient. Because really no one knows all the reason why kids commit crimes it could be they were bullied, having psychological problems at home or school. The possibilities are endless if reasons I think that juveniles need to be charged as adults, they are so close to adulthood that they know what they are doing more so a little child.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Underlying Corruption :: Underlying Corruption Short Story Essays

Underlying Corruption Long shadows meandered through the darkened house, lightning strobing their actions on the walls. Jeremy stood in the dark kitchen, holding a small emergency candle and a box of matches. Barefoot in jeans, and an unbuttoned flannel, his relaxed look belied his state of mind. The sights and sounds of the night made him pause. Holding stalk still, he listened intently, hoping for the sounds to be the dog or maybe some farm animals. The noises that greeted him were nothing of the sort. The wind and rain made the trees creek and the windows rattle. Moving through the old house, Jeremy tripped over assorted furniture, trying to navigate in the random illumination. The electricity had gone out a couple of minutes before, leaving only the lightning to help Jeremy find the kitchen. Outside, the wind was hammering at the windows. Soft grass crumpled under foreign, unliving feet. Around the house, the creators of those shadows moved slowly past the windows. Jeremy finally got the candle lit and headed toward the silverware drawer. The wandering flame of the candle painted more eerie shadows on the kitchen walls. Grabbing a hand full of knives, he selected the largest, and armed himself. Slow feet trudged along the cracked sidewalk, outside. A torn pantleg dragged behind, snagging the bushes. The smell of wet concrete mixed with noxious odors. Another strange shadow passed the kitchen window. Jeremy caught only the tail end of it in a random flash of lightning. Tightening his grip on the knife, he stood listening. The sounds that came were not encouraging. As the pale, torn hand snatched at the screen door handle, a ragged foot slapped flatly on the first step, outside. Pieces of insect-eaten flesh hung lifelessly. A bony finger slowly groped for the screen door button. The dull white bone scratched along the black metal. Inside, the sound echoed in the heavy silence. Jeremy froze, then turned toward the door. A low groan rose up in his throat as terror wrapped its icy fingers around his heart. Another strobe of lightning silhouetted a dark figure in the doorway. Jeremy stared at the door for a second, then ran to the master bedroom, down the hall. Knife in hand, he rounded the corner and into the room. Throwing open the closet door, he dove in. Nervously, yet trying to be extremely quiet, he rifled through the closet.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Banana Heart Summer Essay

IV. Choose your favorite lines/quotations. Explain and justify. * Floating faith made us brave, made us endure consequences. I love this line because it is true that faith made us brave. I have my own faith that truly makes me strong and continue my life even lots of consequences come. I know that having faith gives grace in your heart and soul that keeps you to fight. * The journey of life is not any easy. Yeah, so true, that life is not any easy because we do not know what will come tomorrow or later. There are lots of things that may happen. Good or bad we can never say. But if we have faith, life will be at ease and enjoyable enough. Your faith will guide you and gives you inspiration to continue your life no matter what problems come. * Pride is a sin, dignity is salvation. I am my mother’s daughter. This one is kind of reflective one. It makes me to realize something. I believe that this justifiable self-respect is a sin especially if you are hurting somebody in a simple or hard way. And this dignity or the honor that you keep will save you from your sin like pride. The last line saying, I am my mother’s daughter gives me joy that Nenita shows great love because she’s proud that she is a daughter of her mother no matter what people say and even if her mother expresses disappointment towards Nenita. * â€Å"I’m afraid I could never find the balance between love and anger.† These two strong emotions are sometimes hard to control. I like this line because I can relate my own experience. Like being in love somehow gives happiness that can drive you crazy, do everything, sacrifices and all like. While being angry which I am scared of is really uncontrollable sometimes. It’s so confusing that you do not what will happen next if love and anger collides. * It was just rain, just water. Without sweets or spices or condiments, without our expert or fumbling interventions to make it taste better, without our need to disguise its nature, but how we reveled in each drop. It explains the significance of water in our lives. I love these lines because it expresses simplicity likewise in having simple life. Being satisfied even if you only have enough. * Sadly love is not just water; we do things to it. I laughed in this line because as to compare love in water, it is really different. Unlike in having water in your hand is so easy to possess and have it forever in just for example buying it while in love you need to give attention and effort until the end just to save and nourish it. * We understand that the devil and the angel were equal partners in the balance of the universe. I believe that there is devil and angel in this world. That is why there is good and bad, happy and sad, light and dark, love and hate. Sometimes we find our lives more meaningful if we realize that we do mistake and change it and be better next time. * First love is too confusing. As a saying, True love never die because this was the first time you fall in love to someone who you think is the best person ever that you want to be with forever and the last. It is true that first love is too confusing because it surely drives you crazy. Unstoppable care and worries at the same time. * They say there is love at first sight between a mother and her firstborn. A great blessing it is to have a baby. The most awaited gift from God that a couple want and need to. Yes, I believe that there is love at first sight between the mother and her first baby simply because they are alike. Having this powerful feeling that you can only find, Love. V. Think of the most appropriate sound track for Banana Heart Summer, state reason by giving ten lines or more from the song.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

President Truman And Lyndon B. Johnson - 1605 Words

There is much debate among political scientists over how indicative a president’s first 100 days are to the relative success of a president’s remaining term. Regardless of an evident correlation or not, the first 100 days of a president continue to be much examined topic. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had an unprecedented first 100 days and every president since then has been measured against the effectiveness of FDR. For the purpose of this analytical essay Presidents Harry Truman and Lyndon B. Johnson will be examined in comparison with FDR. Truman and Johnson were not initially elected as president, but stepped in the finish the term of the elected presidents who had died in office, FDR and John F. Kennedy, respectively. The successes of Presidents Truman and Johnson in their first 100 days stem from catering to Congress, having had experience in Congress, leadership skills and additionally by having public support or high approval ratings. When a president is first elected it is to their advantage to make full use of the opportunities that they have been afforded. â€Å"A president’s political capital is at its highest level†¦during the first months of a new administration.† The president’s â€Å"honeymoon† is when he will have the most support of the people, right after his inauguration. FDR took the presidency of the United States of America in the midst of the Great Depression. The country was united in crisis and looked to FDR who had promised a better future thanShow MoreRelatedU.S. Bombing of North Vietnam1454 Words   |  6 PagesOn February 24, 1965, United States President Lyndon B. Johnson authorized Operation ROLLING THUNDER to commence against North Vietnam. ROLLING THUNDER, the longest bombing campaign ever conducted by the United States Air Force, lasted from 1965 to 1968. 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